
  • 过渡 服务 give our students and their families various options for life after high school or their special education eligibility.   Our staff helps to identify resources, 结果, and a plan to assure that students acquire the knowledge and skills to achieve their goals.

    We have developed comprehensive 过渡 Planning guidelines for elementary, middle and high school students with disabilities. The plans lead to access to child and adult services, postsecondary education and the world of work.  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA PL 101-476) include transition components in the statute with the goal of preparing students with disabilities access to the supports and services they need to become independent citizens.

    If your student qualifies to receive transition services or if you would like to follow up on your students’ referral, please contact Cheryl Brown at (734) 994-2318 or email brownc@aaps.k12.mi.us.